Anomie Desert Holdings LLC

Anomie Desert Holdings LLC.

“Creating more opportunities since 1992”

What is Anomie Desert Holdings?

We are a business group that owns several businesses, currently all of them being owned by @Jettadonly.

We are a group that helps new businesses boost their way to success. We’ve currently have made several successful businesses like: Restaurants & Retail.


Rooftop Diner & Bar - Owner: @Jettadonly
Eastway Guns - Owner: @Jettadonly
West Silver Mall


FoodCo Market - Opening: TBD.


Do you want your company to be acquired by Anomie Desert Holdings? Well, look no further! We are always open to new businesses. Whether you need your company to become more alive or need new business strategies, we are always ready to help out.

Send a private message to @Jettadonly or start a new DM in the AnomicForum chat for more information.

We look forward to creating new opportunities for your business!

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