Dumb ways to die

Time to start a new compilation of :sparkles: dumb ways to die :sparkles: in Anomic

Being tinned over by the general so that you get flunged across the map and into the void.

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Forgetting to get medical attention and getting ran over with a single hit on the sidewalk.

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Getting into a car crash while in the ambulance after getting into an actual car crash.

  • Trying to resist arrest because you legitimately didn’t do anything.
  • Trying to get revenge on someone and failing miserably with a bullet to the skull.
  • Being killed by the criminal destroying your stolen car.
  • Being mowed down by a mayor’s Advanced Gunsmith friend that keeps tricking you.
  • Some random person deciding to stalk you and kill you when you can’t run away…???
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Being a terrible hypercar driver that someone kills you just to make you stop.

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Dying by someone ejecting you out of their car and it thinks u got hit by that car and u die

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