They must make an Anomic Zombies mode

This might sound weird, but hear me out here:

They should develop a mode or game of Anomic where you fight zombies. Simple right? But as your progress into the game, you unlock different perks with different currencies.

Or you could have a tech tree. For example, you could have a branch of the tech tree where you gradually unlock 9mm weapons, depending on the amount of kills you get with that type of firearm. There would also be a starting point for each ammo type, but to increase gameplay you can only unlock one set of weapons and master them until you could move onto the next set.

What do we think about this idea?


Makes since ik that your friend ephah is like close to bonfire so maybe ask him to send it over to bonfire?

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I had no idea bro has a say on what bonfire did but alr

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cool yea you should try it whenever i see the lava palace i see ephah there and hes always talking to bonfire and stuff :saluting_face:

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