Anomic Financial Institute's Project

Anomic Financial Institute
“Veritas in reddendo, comunitas in aedificando.”
Truth in giving, community in building.

A group striving to provide financial freedom to all Anomic players, our vision is to generalize Anomic’s economy and create a safe trading environment in the game. As a small startup, our main focus has been on logging trades and partnering with other servers alike.

Our Current Project
Project Sentinel, or otherwise known as Sentinel, is our main focus in this group. We had a few things in mind when creating this:

  • Create a officialized database that contains all logged trades including users & a generalized reputation/vouching system
  • Sentinel bot that is easy to implement and seamlessly distribute throughout Anomic trading servers
  • Ensure that all players have a fair chance to trade and develop their financial literacy and raise awareness about this aspect of the game

Interested in finding more about AFI? Join our discord server!

As a avid trader on both Anomic and the irl stock market, I always found it entertaining to recognize and develop these patterns of economy early on, and when this is targeted towards a younger player base I truely believe this can have a huge impact on the community. I plan to maintain this for a indefinite period of time.

Do you, or any of your friends know a trading server open to test a prototype and provide information for our database and even potentially contribute to a state of the art Anomic bot? DM @soiidprint for more information with your discord username. I look forward to all new opportunities.

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