Anomic Newsletter 1/3/2024: Farewell Patrik


Anomic Newsletter 1/3/2024: Farewell Patrik

The Anomic Missionary is a newsletter regarding Anomic that runs on AnomicForum. AM writes about in-game updates, events, news, and other information. You can read other articles published in the #anomic-missionary category.

Published: MM/DD/YY
Written By: @LinuxCE
This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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  1. @Bonfire Message on Discord (

Hello again, everybody. Today’s missionary post is mainly about @PatrikYT10, an Anomic administrator. Also, Happy New Year from the forum! We have some news regarding this New Year’s update coming soon.

Farewell Patrik

Recently, one of the administrators named @PatrikYT10 will be shortly resigning from his position as an administrator for Anomic Studios. The reason behind his resignation is that he would like to move on from the community as he is occupied and can’t keep up with working with the community.

Patrik has been one of the prominent administrators at Anomic, known for his events and other contributions to Anomic he has been one of the more “influential” members of the community. Patrik’s events would mainly be comprised of minigames, competitions, and more.

Patrik was on an inactivity notice, recently, he has just resigned from the team.

Happy New Years!

The forum wishes everybody a happy new year. Our forum has come a long journey since our founding in July of 2022.

Our friends @discobot and @system working on the backend have put together a new announcement for you all to recap this year, 2023, in review. You can read that topic below.

2023: The Year in Review

New Years Update

Recently, @Bonfire has released a new major update again to Anomic as the New Years Update. This update contains new vehicles, tools, and firearm modifications (New Year New Caliber - NYNC.

You can read Bonfire’s official patch notes below.

Anomic v1.17.0.0 “NYNC UPDATE” Released

Patch Notes:

New Caliber

  • 7.62: $80 for 25
    • Users have the option to transfer 5.56 ammo to 7.62 if eligible
      • “Eligible” means >500 5.56 ammo
    • Compatible With: Kalashnikov, Battle Rifle, Heavy Rifle, SKS, Groza

Quest Changes

  • Snowpile Quest: Amount of players required to start quest reduced: 20 → 15

New Items

  • New Gun: Heavy Rifle (Advanced Gunsmith)
    • Price: 5800
    • Playtime Requirement: 32 hours
    • Fire Mode: Auto
    • Damage: 25
    • Ammo: 20
    • Firerate: 450
    • Reload Time: 2.5
    • Bullet Spread: 0.15
  • New Gun: SKS (Advanced Gunsmith)
    • Price: 6500
    • Playtime Requirement: 48 hours
    • Fire Mode: Semi-Auto
    • Damage: 30
    • Ammo: 10
    • Firerate: 120
    • Reload Time: 3.5
    • Bullet Spread: 0.1
  • New Gun: Groza (Advanced Gunsmith & Gunsmith)
    • Price: 3100
    • Playtime Requirement: 30 hours (Gunsmith only)
    • Fire Mode: Auto
    • Damage: 13
    • Ammo: 30
    • Firerate: 800
    • Reload Time: 2
    • Bullet Spread: 1.3
  • New Car: SUV (Wagon) (Advanced Car Dealer & Car Dealer)
  • Price: 1700
  • Armor: 1600
  • Other statistics are the same as the SUV (Dune)
  • New Tool: Paint Thinner
  • Price: 450

New Event Items

  • New Event Tool: New Beginnings Firework Kit (Crafter @ 10 hour requirement)
  • This kit is faster and higher pitched than the Patriotic Firework Kit
  • New Event Prop: Dice Container (complete ||THE NUMBER YOU SEEK||)

Item Changes

  • Combat Shotgun:
  • Damage: 16 → 13
  • Firerate: 330 → 300
  • Price: $4400 → $4200
  • Size has been reduced to better fit character
  • Battle Rifle:
    • Fixed Mag not detaching
  • Sprayer:
    • Spray cooldown reduced: 20s → 7s
    • Maximum sprays increased: 25 → 100
    • Maximum sprays per player increased: 3 → 10
  • 2023 Patriotic Firework Kit: renamed to Patriotic Firework Kit

Prop Changes

  • Television: Now has a VHS-style loading screen

Game Mechanic Changes

  • Added a weapon activation delay (0.5 seconds)
  • Holding MouseButton1 while reloading or equipping a weapon will now automatically fire that weapon

Bug Fixes

  • You can no longer get softlocked by getting run over by cars
  • Fixed semi-automatic weapons firing at increased speeds
  • Patched slots 2 and 3 not saving if the server crashes
  • Fixed holster emote being combinable with dance emotes
  • Fixed camera shaking unpredicably when strafing with large weapons
  • Fixed ammo display sometimes showing 0 ammo
  • Patched high jumping
  • Fixed some commands in the command panel not autofilling player names
  • Fixed some untraversable terrain with vehicles
  • Removed the second light vest from the Gunsmith team
  • Fixed VHS tapes being able to light fireworks

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Combat Shotgun has been added to the SWAT team
  • Multiple item icons have been changed to be more similar to older ones. These are:
    • Bullpup Rifle
    • Heavy Pistol
    • Combat Shotgun
    • AR
    • Tommy Gun
    • Hotwired Printer
    • Combat Pistol
    • Simple Printer
  • All team shops now share the same ammo order

All servers were restarted for this update.

Thank’s for reading this Anomic Missionary news article! We hope to catch you next time, and happy new year! Farewell Patrik.

Hey there everybody, me and my friend @system over here put out the yearly review announcement. Go ahead and read it here. Happy new year everybody! :partying_face:

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