Circle of Discourse May 2024

Circle of Discourse May 2024

Welcome to AnomicForum’s new series of events called the Circle of Discourse. The purpose of these events is to have the community gather and discuss certain topics from the latest events happening in the community to off-topic discussions.

This event will last from 2024-05-25T17:30:00Z2024-05-25T18:30:00Z. The time is shown in your local timezone.

Topics that are discussed can range from things happening in the Anomic community to off-topic discussions not necessarily related to the game. You may attend the event as a spectator just listening to the discussion, or participate in the discussion and share your thoughts.

If you are attending the event or are interested, navigate to the event attachment at the bottom of this event post and press the appropriate attendee option.

Have any topics recommended for discussion? Reply with them below or vote on the discussion poll.

For discussion during the event, please follow these guidelines. This event will last approximately one hour. Other minigames may also be hosted within the event.

This event will take place in the Anomic Free-to-use Private Servers of the Anomic Original server in text chat, voice chat will not be supported.

We will begin to open the server at 2024-05-25T17:25:00Z, so it is recommended that you join around five minutes early.

We will be using the Anomic Original server, if you need assistance connecting to the server let our team know.

The server is now open!

Thank you for attending the Circle of Discourse May 2024 event! Special thanks to @lavacast for also hosting some minigames in between for the participants.

We hope to see you at the next one.

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