The Most Annoying Thing You Encountered While Playing Anomic is?

What is the most annoying thing you’ve experienced while playing in Anomic 1 or Anomic 2?

Annoying things I have seen:
Anomic 1 - When you want to set up shop but all the good plots are taken and when people claim plots and do nothing in them, want to serverhop? Good luck finding a plot in the main Arway area, you’ll most likely not find any unclaimed store plots.

Anomic 2 - Nothing, because I rarely play it.

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When I am a taxi driver, it is extremely annoying when people call cabs just to kill cab drivers. Don’t you guys have anything better to do?

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same thing with trucks, for them people will just start shooting your truck when you drive past arway

my conspiracy theory is that they know that gas tanker deliveries will lower the gas price and this is america so a gas price below $4.50 a gallon isn’t allowed

wait this is 1990 is inflation that bad?

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Yeah, these players have weird things on their mind.

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