SWAT Team Job Guide

SWAT Team Job Guide

As a police officer, it’s your job to suppress criminals. You are responsible for arresting outlaws and wanted people, destroying printers, breaching illegal plots, retrieving stolen vehicles, and responding to service calls made by civilians and other government roles for backup.

For paychecks, you will earn $500/5 minutes w/ Player Arrest Payout.


Job Items & Team Shop Information

SWAT officers will have access to the following items below. You can purchase these items by striking the [T] key on your keyboard and clicking on the “Gun/Team Shop” icon to bring up the team shop.

SWAT officers will also have access to job items. These job items will be available to you by using the “Equip Items” tool in your inventory. There is a uniform applied when you equip your items.


Job Items

These items are available for you to use for free while on the job. These items cannot be traded or sold.

  1. SMG
    This is a standard primary weapon.

  2. Combat Pistol
    This is a standard secondary weapon.

  3. Baton
    The baton is a tool used for destroying printers.

  4. Handcuffs
    The handcuffs tool is used for arresting outlaws and wanted players.

  5. Armored Van
    This is an armored government vehicle. Suitable for transporting multiple government officials.

  6. Balaclava
    This is a mask paired with a helmet. (Armor Piece)

  7. SWAT Vest/Heavy Vest
    A vest used to mitigate damage from bullets. Similar to the Heavy Vest in functionality.

Team Shop Items

These items are available for purchase in the team shop.

  1. Tactical SMG
    Cost: $1,140
    (This item is team-specific, it cannot be traded and can only be used on the SWAT team.)
    This is a standard weapon.

    Cost: $2,700
    (This item is team-specific, it cannot be traded and can only be used on the SWAT team.)
    This is a standard government vehicle. Suitable for transporting multiple government officials.

  3. Door Ram
    Cost: $2,100
    (This item is team-specific, it cannot be traded and can only be used on the SWAT team.)
    This is a tool utilized for breaching doors on plots that have an outlaw/wanted person’s presence or a printer.

  4. Riot Shotgun
    Cost: $1,560
    (This item is team-specific, it cannot be traded and can only be used on the SWAT team.)
    This is a standard weapon.

  5. Police Transporter
    Cost: $2,460
    (This item is team-specific, it cannot be traded and can only be used on the SWAT team.)
    This is a standard government vehicle. Suitable for transporting multiple government officials.

  6. Battle Rifle
    Cost: $2,460
    (This item is team-specific, it cannot be traded and can only be used on the SWAT team.)
    This is a standard weapon.

These items are available for purchase in the team shop.

Retrieving Stolen Vehicles

As a government role, you are able to retrieve stolen vehicles. To do so, head on over to the computers at the reception desk in the Sheriff Station. Strike [U] on the computer and if there is a stolen vehicle, you’ll be able to track it with a marker that displays on your screen. You will need to head on over to the location of the vehicle, remove the driver who stole the vehicle, and then call a tow truck.

Note: Tow Truck Operators can also retrieve stolen vehicles.
Note2: You can shoot an outlaw/wanted vehicle if they are driving it. You may also do so if an outlaw/wanted is riding in the passenger seat of the vehicle.

Arresting Players

To arrest a player, use the handcuffs tool. Walk up to a player with a wanted/outlaw status and while holding out the handcuffs, press and hold on the player for around three seconds to arrest them.

If an outlaw player continuously tries to avoid your arrest by walking away, they may be promoted to a wanted status where you can use a weapon against them.

You will earn a cash reward for each arrest you make.

Note: You CANNOT use force with a weapon against an outlaw. You may only do so with wanted players.

Breaching Plots

If a plot has the presence of an outlaw, wanted, or printer, you are permitted to breach the plot. You can break down doors by utilizing a door ram (purchasable through the team shop).

To breach a door, equip the door ram tool and walk up to the door. You’ll want to stand at a distance where the end of the door ram is against the door, once you’re ready press and hold on the door for about 3-5 seconds. After which, you’ll need to push on the door to break it away from the door frame. It will also automatically despawn after thirty seconds.


Service Calls

As a police officer, you have the ability to receive service calls from other players. You can also receive backup calls from other government roles. If a service call is made, in the top right-hand corner of your screen will pop up a service call window. You have a choice to Accept/Decline the call.

If you need backup, you can call for backup by using your cellphone, going to the service call menu, and clicking on “Call Backup”.

Note: If you accept but cancel the service call afterward, your balance will incur a cancellation fee.
If you arrive at the area where the service call was placed, you will be paid a reward.



At some point, you may encounter a situation where you’re in a shootout with another person. You can use your SMG as a primary weapon and your Combat Pistol as a secondary weapon. It’s also a good idea to call for help/backup from another government role for assistance.

If you’re using the armor that was supplied in your job items, it will mitigate damage from bullets. It’s best to also use your ammunition in a conservative manner, if you do run low on ammunition you can purchase more from the team shop.

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